Peerless Technologies Corporation (Peerless) is an award-winning, small business (NAICS 541715) with almost 500 employees offering lifecycle A&AS and acquisition services; systems and software engineering; enterprise IT and cybersecurity; and C4 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance services and capabilities.
We offer exclusive process and software tools that meet Risk Management Framework (RMF) and system design, engineering, and integration requirements. Our ISO 9001:2015 certified Quality Management System and CMMI Level 3 assessment mean quality integrated consulting, business, and acquisition services. Peerless maintains SCIF-ready space, a cleared workforce, and offices nationwide supporting Air Force, Navy, DISA, NASIC, NASA, and EPA.
Peerless is headquartered in Fairborn, Ohio (minutes from Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB), and intends to bid on this EPASS Blanket Purchase Agreement and subsequent task orders.
Our Capabilities Statement that identify selected relevant experience on projects we are currently supporting, and that address the functionality presented in the Draft BPA and in the Draft Statement of Work, are presented below.
Jerry Tritle
Sr. Vice President, Business Development
Peerless supports the AFNWC by designing, analyzing, developing, operating and sustaining commercial and non-commercial software M&S tools to better provide and improve the nation’s nuclear enterprise’s analytic and decision-making capabilities. Our expertise in nuclear effects analytics, software tool development, and M&S is improving AFNWC’s analyses of nuclear effects, and improving analyses of nuclear weapons effects survivability, nuclear weapons system survivability, and nuclear effects testing and evaluation. Peerless supports nuclear weapons systems that include mission essential assets, delivery systems or platforms, associated support systems, equipment, facilities, personnel, command and control links, and supporting logistical infrastructure. Peerless performs M&S tool development, operation, analysis and sustainment. In addition, we are providing legacy code evaluation; systems and software engineering; user requirements analyses; and Independent Verification, Validation and Accreditation (IV&V). We support maintenance of a web-based database that provides users the nuclear certification status of weapon systems, subsystems, components, software, support equipment, and facilities. We also provide integrated program consulting; M&S software training; and Integrated Product Team (IPT) support for security, configuration management, hardware and software baselining, and software release management and testing. Peerless performs systems and software engineering using our proven Peerless Systems Engineering Process (P-SEP) and our experience with the Joint Effect Model program to help develop expanded modeling capabilities. In addition, Peerless uses our corporate Systems Integration Lab in support of this contract, which is a VMWare-based virtualization infrastructure, to provide software and hardware sharing within an integrated data environment.
Is there a CPARS available? Yes
Peerless A&AS support for the F-22 Program Office is a $67M contract, employing 90 people with primary places of performance of Wright Patterson AFB, OH and Hill AFB, UT. We perform lifecycle acquisition supporting, including integrating consulting services on primary F-22 airframe systems and their subordinate subsystems (e.g., avionics integration). Peerless engineering support includes programs and integration planning activities for software, hardware, aircraft modification, and training. Our management and operations support to the F-22 Program Office includes strategic planning on production and deployment enhancements, program management, and requirements analysis and verification. Peerless performs flight testing support and test and evaluation of new technologies to be incorporated into the F-22, and reports on relevant technology development, milestones, schedules, and operational costs. Peerless provides software engineering and cybersecurity support on mission critical and supporting software applications within the F-22 system. We also provide system software integration and software Risk Management Framework support. Peerless supports data sharing and the use of the F-22’s integrated data environment through our support of F-22 configuration management and data management, in addition to F-22 administrative support. We produce and deliver F-22 studies, analyses and evaluations, as well as technical analysis/trade studies, business case analysis/cost benefit analysis, analysis reports and operations/performance analysis. Peerless performs ancillary supply support services by managing the continuance of program protection planning for the F-22 program, including considerations such as anti-tamper, system decomposition, and supply chain risk management during system sustainment. Peerless performs Pilot and Maintenance Training Systems and Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) support, which includes strategy development, requests for proposal, proposal evaluation, contract negotiation, and contractual oversight.
Is there a CPARS available? Yes
Peerless uses the same capabilities on this follow-on contract as the previous contract described above. This follow-on contract is greater in magnitude due to the F-22 platform being fielded longer, and its integrating new technology enhancements.
Is there a CPARS available? Not at this time on this follow-on contract
Peerless provides cybersecurity engineering for the AF DCGS, the Air Force’s most important intelligence system. Peerless has a team of 30 Information Systems Security Engineers (ISSEs), Information Systems Owners (ISOs), Information Systems Test Engineers (ISTEs) performing Risk Management Framework (RMF) located at Robins AFB, GA. We perform lifecycle support by monitoring the requirements analysis, design, implementation, integration, and test activities with focus on the system architecture and to achieve our mission of facilitating delivery of a secure system. Peerless is responsible for ensuring the confidentiality, availability, integrity, and non-repudiation within the computer, network, enterprise and enclave environments at differing data protection and classification levels. We monitor all Plans of Action and Milestones (POA&Ms), and we ensure all program analytical findings are addressed through system changes, administrative/policy changes, or new requirements. We perform AF-DCGS performance risk analysis, and perform integrated consulting support in that we bring together multiple intelligence community legacy information systems into a single distributed integrated common ground system architecture. We are developing an enterprise open system architecture for DCGS using virtualization technologies. Our team is also involved in senior-level meetings regarding the strategy and way ahead for ISR systems, including strategy development as to cybersecurity in cloud technologies and systems. We test DCGS security control systems, research and evaluate how new security controls affect legacy systems, and we apply RMF to produce compliant and secure Accreditation and Approval packages.
Is there a CPARS available? Yes